Our objective is to find job and business opportunities in Japan, India and other countries through our contacts. YuZen Consulting Services professionally runs the company in collaboration with various Japanese organizations. Our motive is to contribute to a bright and vibrant future for people. Join with us to shape your career and life with the guiding principle.
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We have success stories. You want your name in the big league? Give us 10 minutes, and we'll evaluate your case for free. Please let us know if you would like us to help you find a good career choice for a better future. Give us a call or email us.
We help our Japanese clients in the recruitment and staffing of qualified, experience professionals in Japan & India. The skill set required are mainly Japanese Language N3, N2 certified professionals in any field. ...
We have tie up with some of the notable Japanese languge schools in Japan for higher education in Japanese Language. Minimum requirement to enroll in these ...
We train people in Japanese language certification program (JLPT) various level through our expert teachers and professionals. We conduct online Japanese Language communication skill ...
Based on the requirement provided by our Japanese clients we do head hunting in India.